slender |
of a person, attractively slim. [4 definitions] |
slept |
past tense and past participle of sleep. |
slice |
a broad and flat or wedge-shaped piece of a larger object. [11 definitions] |
slick1 |
having a smooth, shiny, or slippery surface. [5 definitions] |
slick2 |
to give a smooth or slippery surface to. [2 definitions] |
slid |
the past tense and past participle of "slide." |
slide |
to move easily over a surface while remaining in contact with it. [14 definitions] |
slight |
small in amount or degree. [8 definitions] |
slightly |
to a small degree or by a small amount; a little. [2 definitions] |
slim |
attractively thin in form; slender. [3 definitions] |
slime |
an offensive slippery liquid, such as thin, viscous mud or the skin secretions of fish. [2 definitions] |
slimy |
consisting of or like slime. [3 definitions] |
sling1 |
a broad piece of cloth that is tied around the neck to support an injured arm or hand. [5 definitions] |
slingshot |
a small hand-held weapon consisting of an elastic strap attached to a Y-shaped stick, used to shoot stones and the like. |
slip1 |
to move easily, without any resistance. [18 definitions] |
slip2 |
a cutting from a plant, intended for propagation. [4 definitions] |
slipper |
any lightweight, low-heeled shoe that may be easily put on and taken off, esp. one to be worn indoors. |
slippery |
having a slick surface that is difficult to move upon without sliding. [3 definitions] |
slipshod |
carelessly done or constructed. |
slit |
to cut a long straight line into or through. [3 definitions] |
slither |
to move by twisting and sliding along a surface. [4 definitions] |