slogan |
a short phrase used to state a principle or political message or to advertise a product; motto. |
sloop |
a sailboat that has one mast and sails that reach from one end of the boat to the other. |
slop |
to cause to spill or splash. [3 definitions] |
slope |
to slant up or down. [4 definitions] |
sloppy |
wet or muddy. [3 definitions] |
slot |
a long, narrow notch or opening into which something may be put. |
sloth |
laziness; not liking work or exercise. [2 definitions] |
slouch |
to sit, stand, or move with a bent, careless posture. [4 definitions] |
Slovakia |
a country in central Europe bordered by the Czech Republic and Ukraine. The capital of Slovakia is Bratislava. Slovakia is another name for the Slovak Republic. |
Slovenia |
a European country that lies between northern Italy and Croatia. The capital of Slovenia is Ljubljana. |
slovenly |
careless or disgustingly dirty. |
slow |
not moving or not able to move quickly. [8 definitions] |
slow down |
to go or operate with less speed than before. [2 definitions] |
slowly |
in a slow manner; not quickly. |
slowpoke |
(informal) a person who acts, works, or goes slowly. |
slug1 |
a small land animal with a soft body and two tentacles with eyes. Slugs are mollusks closely related to snails, but they do not have a visible shell. They live in wet places and eat plants. [2 definitions] |
slug2 |
(informal) to hit heavily with a clenched fist. |
sluggish |
moving slowly. [2 definitions] |
sluice |
a channel made by people through which water flows. Sluices have gates to control the amount of water that flows through the channel. [2 definitions] |
slum |
(often plural) a crowded, run-down area of a city where poor people live. |
slumber |
to sleep lightly. [3 definitions] |