slogan |
a short phrase used to summarize a principle or political message or to advertise a product; motto. |
sloop |
a fore-and-aft-rigged sailboat with one mast, a mainsail, and a jib. |
slop |
to cause (liquid) to spill or splash. [9 definitions] |
slope |
to incline or slant upwards or downwards, as a hill. [5 definitions] |
sloppy |
wet or muddy. [5 definitions] |
slot |
a long, narrow indentation or opening into which something may be put. [4 definitions] |
sloth |
dislike of work or exercise; laziness. [2 definitions] |
slouch |
to sit, stand, or move with a bent, careless posture. [4 definitions] |
Slovakia |
the Slovak Republic, a country in Central Europe bordered by Czechia, Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, and Austria. |
Slovenia |
since 1992, a Balkan republic bordering Italy and Austria; formerly part of Yugoslavia. |
slovenly |
careless or disgustingly dirty. [2 definitions] |
slow |
not moving or able to move rapidly or fast. [10 definitions] |
slow down |
to proceed, move, or operate more slowly or calmly than before. [2 definitions] |
slowly |
in a slow manner; not quickly. |
slowpoke |
(informal) one that acts, works, or goes slowly. |
slug1 |
any of various small, slimy land animals related to the snail but having no shell. [5 definitions] |
slug2 |
(informal) to hit heavily, esp. with a clenched fist. [2 definitions] |
sluggish |
moving slowly. [3 definitions] |
sluice |
a man-made channel, fitted with a control gate, through which water flows. [7 definitions] |
slum |
(often pl.) a crowded, dilapidated area of a city where poor people live in substandard housing. [2 definitions] |
slumber |
to sleep, esp. lightly. [5 definitions] |