smash |
to break into small pieces by hitting, throwing, or dropping, often making a loud noise. [10 definitions] |
smear |
to spread or apply on or over a surface. [5 definitions] |
smell |
to sense the odor of by means of the nose. [8 definitions] |
smell a rat |
to suspect that something is wrong. |
smelt1 |
to melt or fuse in order to separate and obtain the metal content. |
smelt2 |
a kind of small fish that lives in freshwater and coastal marine areas of Europe and North America. Smelt are safe to eat and have a silver color. |
smelt3 |
a past tense and past participle of "smell." |
smile |
to wear an expression on the face in which the corners of the mouth turn up and the eyes get brighter. Smiling usually shows that a person is happy, amused, or friendly. [2 definitions] |
smiley |
a small icon placed in an email or text message that is made of punctuation characters and letters that together suggest a facial expression, often a happy smiling expression but not always. A smiley is used to convey the mood of the writer. A smiley may also be a small cartoon image of a face, typically yellow with dark features. |
smith |
a person who works in metals (often used in combination). |
smock |
a loose, light jacket, coat, or other similar garment, that is worn over clothing to protect it from soil, paint, or damage. |
smog |
a mixture of smoke and fog that is caused by moist air and human pollution. |
smoke |
the visible black, gray, or white gases given off into the air by something that is burning. [6 definitions] |
smoke detector |
a device that makes a loud noise to warn people of smoke or fire. |
smokestack |
a chimney or pipe that is used to carry off smoke from a factory, ship, or any place that uses fire. |
smoky |
giving off smoke in large amounts. [3 definitions] |
smolder |
to burn slowly and with smoke, but with little or no flame. [2 definitions] |
smooth |
not rough; even. [8 definitions] |
smoothie |
a thick drink made in a blender using, typically, a mixture of cut-up fruit combined with ice, milk, or other liquid. |
smother |
to kill by not allowing enough air; suffocate. [5 definitions] |
smoulder |
another spelling of smolder. |