snoop |
to pry into others' affairs or possessions, esp. in a sneaky way. [2 definitions] |
snooze |
(informal) to sleep, esp. for a short period of time; nap. [2 definitions] |
snore |
to make loud, hoarse noises while sleeping, usu. caused by the vibration of the soft palate. [3 definitions] |
snorkel |
a tube that is held in the mouth and extends above the surface of water, allowing a swimmer to breathe while slightly submerged. [3 definitions] |
snort |
to breathe noisily and roughly by forcefully pushing air through the nose. [8 definitions] |
snout |
the protruding front part of an animal's head that includes the nose and usu. the mouth and jaws. [2 definitions] |
snow |
a frozen form of precipitation that falls as ice crystals formed into flakes. [7 definitions] |
snowball |
a mass of snow that has been packed together into a ball for throwing in children's play or games. [4 definitions] |
snowboard |
a fiberglass board resembling a large skateboard, with straps to secure the feet so that one can ride it downhill over snow standing up. [2 definitions] |
snowboarding |
the activity or sport of riding and manoeuvering a snowboard downhill over snow or inside specially designed tubes. |
snowflake |
a single flake of snow. |
snowman |
a figure, roughly resembling a man, made of packed snow. |
snowmobile |
a small powered vehicle that is capable of traveling through or over snow. |
snowplow |
a machine or vehicle that is equipped with a large shovel or blade for clearing snow from streets, highways, or the like. [2 definitions] |
snowshoe |
a light frame that is shaped like a racket and strung with a netting so that it can be attached to the foot and used for walking on deep snow. [2 definitions] |
snowstorm |
a storm in which there is a heavy fall of snow and often high winds. |
snowy |
having snowfall. [4 definitions] |
snub |
to ignore, esp. as a means of showing dissatisfaction, dislike, or contempt. [3 definitions] |
snuffbox |
a small, often ornamental container for snuff. |
snug |
small and comfortable; cozy. [4 definitions] |
snuggle |
to lie comfortably next to someone or something; cuddle. [2 definitions] |