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soak to lie in and become covered or completely wet with a liquid. [7 definitions]
soap a cleaning substance that is made from fat or oil and comes in the form of a bar, liquid, powder, or flakes. [2 definitions]
soapy containing, covered with, or filled with soap. [2 definitions]
soar to fly or glide in a swift, easy way and at a very great height. [3 definitions]
sob to cry with great emotion while making short gasps for breath. [2 definitions]
sober not drunk; not intoxicated. [3 definitions]
soccer a game in which two teams of eleven players try to move a ball into a goal by kicking or hitting it without using the hands or arms.
soccer ball the round ball used in the game of soccer.
social living in groups or communities instead of alone. [5 definitions]
socialism a theory of government in which the whole community rather than individuals owns all of its property and resources.
socialist a person who works in favor of or practices socialism.
social studies a course of study including history, geography, civics, and other social sciences. This course is taught in elementary and secondary schools.
society the members of a community or group considered together. [5 definitions]
sock1 a covering for the foot made of a woven or knitted material. Socks reach to a point between the ankle and knee.
socket an opening into which something fits or is put. [2 definitions]
sod the layer of ground that contains the grass; turf. [2 definitions]
soda a drink made with a sweet flavoring and water that contains carbon dioxide. [3 definitions]
soda water water filled with carbon dioxide. It is used to mix and drink.
sodium a soft, silver-white metal that is a chemical element. It combines easily with other elements and is found in nature only in compounds with other elements. Sodium reacts with chlorine to form the salt we eat in foods. (symbol: Na)
sofa a long comfortable seat with arms and a back; couch.
so far so good no problems yet.