social studies |
a course of study including history, geography, civics, and other social sciences. This course is taught in elementary and secondary schools. |
society |
the members of a community or group considered together. [5 definitions] |
sock1 |
a covering for the foot made of a woven or knitted material. Socks reach to a point between the ankle and knee. |
socket |
an opening into which something fits or is put. [2 definitions] |
sod |
the layer of ground that contains the grass; turf. [2 definitions] |
soda |
a drink made with a sweet flavoring and water that contains carbon dioxide. [3 definitions] |
soda water |
water filled with carbon dioxide. It is used to mix and drink. |
sodium |
a soft, silver-white metal that is a chemical element. It combines easily with other elements and is found in nature only in compounds with other elements. Sodium reacts with chlorine to form the salt we eat in foods. (symbol: Na) |
sofa |
a long comfortable seat with arms and a back; couch. |
so far so good |
no problems yet. |
soft |
easy to bend or to shape; not firm or hard. [9 definitions] |
softball |
a type of baseball played on a smaller field with a larger, softer ball that is pitched underhand. [2 definitions] |
soften |
to make or become soft or softer. |
softly |
in a way that makes little sound; quietly. [4 definitions] |
software |
any of the programs that are written to operate a computer. |
soggy |
completely wet; heavy with moisture; saturated. |
soil1 |
the top layer of the earth's surface. [2 definitions] |
soil2 |
to make dirty. [3 definitions] |
sol1 |
the syllable that indicates the fifth tone of a musical scale. |
solar |
of, having to do with, or coming from the sun. [2 definitions] |
solar energy |
energy that comes from the sun. |