sophisticated |
having or showing a lot of knowledge or experience; not ignorant or simple. |
sophomore |
a student in the second year of high school or college. |
soprano |
the singing voice or part with the highest range. [3 definitions] |
sore |
feeling physical pain; hurting. [5 definitions] |
sorrow |
the suffering or distress that results from a loss, misfortune, or injury; grief. [2 definitions] |
sorry |
feeling regret, sympathy, or sadness. [4 definitions] |
sort |
kind; type. [2 definitions] |
a call for help from a ship that is in trouble. SOS is an abbreviation for save our ship. |
so that |
used to introduce a clause showing purpose or reason. |
sought |
past tense and past participle of "seek." |
soul |
the part of human beings separate from the physical body that is thought of as the center of feeling, thought, and spirit. [4 definitions] |
sound1 |
anything that people or animals can hear with their ears. [9 definitions] |
sound2 |
free of damage; healthy or in good condition. [4 definitions] |
sound3 |
to measure the depth of with a pole or a weight attached to a line. [2 definitions] |
sound4 |
a body of water between two larger bodies of water or between an island and the mainland. [2 definitions] |
sound bite |
a short statement taken from a video or audio tape that is to be included in a later broadcast. |
sound out |
to make an effort to read and pronounce a word by saying the sound of each of its letters or its letter combinations. |
soup |
a liquid food made with small pieces of vegetables, meat, fish, or grains cooked in water or broth. |
sour |
having a tart or acid taste like lemon juice or vinegar. [7 definitions] |
source |
the start or cause of something. [2 definitions] |
sousaphone |
a brass wind instrument similar to a tuba. A sousaphone has a large movable bell and a tube that goes around the player's body. Sousaphones are often seen in marching bands. |