spoke1 |
past tense of speak. |
spoke2 |
a rod or bar radiating from the center of a wheel and connected to the outer rim. [3 definitions] |
spoken |
past participle of speak. [3 definitions] |
spokesman |
a man who speaks for one or more other persons. |
sponge |
any of various aquatic animals with a porous body and a tough fibrous or calcareous skeleton formed of irregular clumps or branched masses that are attached to underwater surfaces. [10 definitions] |
spongy |
resembling a sponge in lightness, porosity, absorbency, or esp. resiliency. |
sponsor |
a person or group who assumes responsibility for someone or something. [5 definitions] |
spontaneous |
happening freely or done by impulse; not forced. [3 definitions] |
spook |
(informal) a ghost; phantom. [4 definitions] |
spool |
a cylindrical object, usu. with a rim on each end, on which thread, tape, wire, photographic film, or the like is wound. [3 definitions] |
spoon |
a utensil with a small shallow bowl at the end of a handle, used for eating, stirring, serving, or measuring. [4 definitions] |
spoonful |
the amount a spoon can hold. |
spore |
a tiny reproductive body consisting of one or more cells, produced by ferns, fungi, and other organisms. [2 definitions] |
sport |
recreation, usually requiring skill and often vigorous physical activity. [10 definitions] |
sportsmanship |
the characteristics and conduct worthy of a sportsman. |
spot |
a mark, such as a stain, or something like a stain, that is different in color from the area surrounding it; blot. [13 definitions] |
spouse |
a husband or wife in a marriage. |
spout |
to forcefully expel (a fluid or other substance), often in a continuous stream. [6 definitions] |
sprain |
to twist or overstrain (a body joint) so that ligaments are stretched or torn. [3 definitions] |
sprang |
a past tense of spring. |
sprawl |
to lie, sit, or fall with the arms and legs spread out loosely. [5 definitions] |