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spoonful the amount a spoon can hold.
spore a tiny reproductive body made up of one or more cells, produced by certain animals and plants. Ferns and fungi produce spores.
sport an athletic event or game played according to rules. Sports often require certain skills and involve two people or teams on opposite sides. [6 definitions]
sportsmanship the qualities and behavior which a person should show when playing a sport or game.
spot a mark, such as a stain, different in color from the area around it. [6 definitions]
spouse a husband or wife in a marriage.
spout to force out in a steady stream. [3 definitions]
sprain to twist so that ligaments are stretched or torn. [2 definitions]
sprang a past tense of "spring."
sprawl to lie, sit, or fall with the arms and legs spread out in a loose or relaxed way. [2 definitions]
spray1 water or another liquid flying or falling in fine drops; mist. [6 definitions]
spread to open or stretch out. [7 definitions]
spring to move upward quickly or suddenly; jump. [12 definitions]
springtime the season of spring.
sprinkle to drop or scatter in small bits. [5 definitions]
sprinkler a device that gently sprays water on a lawn, garden, or field.
sprint to run or go at top speed. [2 definitions]
sprout to start to grow. [4 definitions]
spruce1 an evergreen tree with hanging cones and short, thin leaves shaped like needles. [2 definitions]
spruce2 to make or become neat, or give a new look to (usually followed by "up").
sprung a past tense and past participle of "spring."