squeak by |
to succeed by a very close margin or with great difficulty. |
squeak through |
to succeed by a very close margin or with great difficulty. |
squeal |
a fairly long, loud, shrill sound or cry. [4 definitions] |
squeeze |
to press firmly together; compress. [12 definitions] |
squid |
any of numerous marine animals that have an elongated body, a pair of fins, and ten long muscular tentacles surrounding the mouth. Squid range in size from quite tiny to over forty feet in length. |
squint |
to partly close the eyelids. [6 definitions] |
squirm |
to twist about; writhe; wriggle. [3 definitions] |
squirrel |
any of various small to medium-sized tree-dwelling rodents that have a long bushy tail and gray or reddish brown fur. [3 definitions] |
squirt |
to expel fluid in a thin jet; spurt. [8 definitions] |
Sr. |
abbreviation of "Senior." [3 definitions] |
Sri Lanka |
an island country in the Indian Ocean, off the southeastern coast of India. |
St.1 |
abbreviation of "Street," a public thoroughfare in a town or city (used as part of a proper name). |
stab |
to pierce or wound with or as if with a pointed implement, esp. a knife. [6 definitions] |
stable1 |
fixed, firm, or steady in position; not shaky or easily moved or overturned. [4 definitions] |
stable2 |
a building, often containing stalls, where domestic animals, esp. horses or cows, are kept and fed. [3 definitions] |
stack |
a large conical or rectangular heap of hay, straw, or grain. [9 definitions] |
stadium |
an enclosed, often roofless structure containing a sports field or arena and tiers of seats for spectators. |
staff1 |
a pole or rod often used as an aid in walking or hiking; walking stick. [9 definitions] |
stag |
a sexually mature male deer. [4 definitions] |
stage |
a raised platform; scaffold. [11 definitions] |
stagecoach |
a large four-wheeled vehicle drawn by a team of horses and used in the past for long-distance transportation of passengers and cargo. |