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stand for to be a symbol of, or to represent. [2 definitions]
standing the act or posture of a person or thing that stands. [3 definitions]
stanza a group of related lines in a poem that make up one section within the poem. Stanzas often have a regular meter and rhyme pattern.
staple1 a short, thin piece of stiff wire shaped like a U. Staples are designed to be pushed through several sheets of paper and then bent inward to hold the papers together. [2 definitions]
staple2 a food that is considered very important and used often. [2 definitions]
stapler a tool in a home or office that uses staples to attach papers together.
star any of a vast number of heavenly bodies that give out great heat and light and can be visible from earth as points of light in the night sky. [8 definitions]
starboard the right side of a ship or aircraft when facing forward from inside. [2 definitions]
starch a white food substance found in many foods. [3 definitions]
stare to look in a steady, fixed way, with the eyes open wide. [2 definitions]
stare down to try to frighten or make uncomfortable by staring at.
stare one in the face to be clearly obvious or impending.
starfish a sea animal with a flat body and five or more arms. Starfish live in shallow parts of the ocean. They are carnivores that eat clams and other mollusks. They are also called sea stars.
Stars and Stripes (used with a singular or plural verb) the national flag of the United States. It has thirteen red and white stripes and a blue field with fifty white stars that stand for the fifty states; Old Glory.
start to begin some movement or activity. [8 definitions]
starter someone or something that starts. [2 definitions]
startle to cause to move suddenly. [3 definitions]
starvation the bodily condition caused by not eating enough food, or the process of dying from lack of food.
starve to die or suffer from not eating and drinking. [3 definitions]
starved suffering from having had no food for a long time. [2 definitions]
state the condition of a person or thing. [6 definitions]