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stick1 a long and thin piece of wood, such as a stem or branch, from a tree or bush. [2 definitions]
stick2 to pierce or poke with a pointed object; stab. [10 definitions]
stick by to remain loyal to.
sticker a paper label, patch, or sign with sticky material on the back side.
stickler one who must observe or conform to something (usually followed by "for").
stick out to stand out; to be easily seen.
sticky tending to stick to or hold on to something when touched. [2 definitions]
stiff not easy to bend. [8 definitions]
stile a set or series of steps for climbing over a fence or wall.
still1 not moving. [12 definitions]
stilt a long, thin pole with a block to rest the foot upon. With a pair of stilts, a person can walk above the ground. [2 definitions]
stimulate to bring about to activity or action.
stimulus something that causes or increases action, feeling, or thought. [2 definitions]
sting to pierce, wound, or stick with a stinger. [5 definitions]
stinger one that stings. [2 definitions]
stingray a broad, flat fish that has a long tail with a venomous spine on it. Stingrays are a kind of ray. Their tails can cause severe wounds.
stingy spending or giving as little as possible. [2 definitions]
stink to give off a strong and bad smell. [4 definitions]
stir1 to mix or move in a circle with a hand or object. [9 definitions]
stirrup a loop or ring of metal, wood, or leather with a flat bottom that hangs from each side of a saddle. Stirrups are used to support the rider's foot.
stitch one movement of a needle and thread through cloth or other material when sewing. [5 definitions]