strict |
stern; not yielding; demanding. [3 definitions] |
strictly |
strongly; absolutely. |
stride |
to walk with long, even steps. [3 definitions] |
strike |
to hit with the hand or a weapon. [15 definitions] |
strike up |
to begin or cause to begin. |
strike while the iron is hot |
to take advantage of an opportunity without waiting. |
striking |
causing a strong impression; very noticeable or remarkable. [2 definitions] |
string |
a cord or thin rope. [9 definitions] |
string bean |
a long, green pod that is produced by a bean plant and eaten as a vegetable; snap bean. |
stringed |
equipped or furnished with strings. |
stringed instrument |
any musical instrument that is sounded by bowing, plucking, or strumming the strings. Violins, guitars, and zithers are some stringed instruments. |
strip1 |
to take off the outside covering or clothing from (something). [4 definitions] |
strip2 |
a long, narrow piece or area of mostly uniform width. [2 definitions] |
stripe1 |
a long, narrow band or strip set apart from the area or surface around it by a different color or material. [2 definitions] |
strive |
to try or work hard. |
stroke |
an act or instance of striking. [6 definitions] |
stroll |
to walk slowly without a clear goal or purpose. [2 definitions] |
stroller |
a small carriage that allows a baby or small child to sit up or lie back. |
strong |
having or showing great physical power or strength. [7 definitions] |
struck |
past tense and past participle of "strike." |
structure |
a thing made up of a number of parts joined together in a certain way. [3 definitions] |