struggle |
to resist by waving the arms and legs and wriggling the body. [5 definitions] |
strum |
to play by running the fingers in a light way across the strings. [2 definitions] |
strut1 |
to walk in a proud or vain manner. [2 definitions] |
stub |
a short part that sticks out; stump. [3 definitions] |
stubborn |
not willing to accept change, help, or control; obstinate. [2 definitions] |
stuck |
unable to move or be moved from a particular spot or position. [5 definitions] |
stud1 |
a nail with a rounded knob or head that sticks out. Studs were once used as protective devices attached to weapons or armor and are now used to decorate clothing and furniture. [5 definitions] |
stud2 |
a male horse or other male animal that is kept for breeding. |
student |
a person who goes to a school or college, or who takes lessons from a teacher. [2 definitions] |
studio |
the room where an artist works. [5 definitions] |
study |
the act of using the mind to learn. [10 definitions] |
stuff |
material or substance. [7 definitions] |
stuffed animal |
a soft toy made in the shape of an animal, usually filled with bits of soft material. |
stuffing |
that which is or can be stuffed. |
stuffy |
not having enough fresh air. [3 definitions] |
stumble |
to trip or lose one's balance in walking or running. [4 definitions] |
stump |
a base of a tree that is left standing after the tree has been cut down. [3 definitions] |
stun |
to cause to be unconscious. [2 definitions] |
stung |
past tense and past participle of "sting." |
stunned |
completely amazed or somewhat shocked. |
stunning |
very amazing or shocking. [2 definitions] |