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submarine a seagoing vessel that can operate completely under water. [4 definitions]
submerge to put or plunge under water or other fluid. [3 definitions]
submit to give up or yield (oneself) to the power, will, or authority of another. [7 definitions]
subordinate lower in rank or importance; inferior or secondary. [7 definitions]
subscribe to pledge, pay, or contribute a sum of money for a specified purpose. [7 definitions]
subscription a contract to receive a specified number of issues of a publication or tickets to a series of events, usu. paid for in advance. [3 definitions]
subset a mathematical set composed of elements contained within a given set.
subside to decrease or abate, as noise, emotion, or the like. [3 definitions]
substance that of which something is made; matter. [6 definitions]
substitute a person or thing that takes the place of another. [5 definitions]
subtract to deduct or take away from a whole or larger quantity, esp. to deduct (one number amount) from another. [2 definitions]
subtraction the act or process, or an instance, of subtracting. [2 definitions]
subtrahend that which is subtracted mathematically; number or quantity taken away in subtraction. (Cf. minuend.)
suburb a residential area or community located just outside a city or town.
suburban of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a suburb or suburbs. [2 definitions]
subway an underground passenger train or rail system, usu. electric, operating in a large metropolitan area. [3 definitions]
succeed to have a positive, beneficial, or favorable result or outcome. [4 definitions]
success a person or thing that is successful. [3 definitions]
successful having brought about the result that was desired. [4 definitions]
succession the act or process of following or coming after in sequence. [4 definitions]
successive following in sequential order; consecutive. [2 definitions]