suggestion |
the act of suggesting, or the state or fact of something being suggested. [6 definitions] |
suicide |
the act of killing oneself on purpose. [4 definitions] |
suit |
a set of clothes consisting of a jacket and trousers or a skirt, usu. made of the same material and color. [10 definitions] |
suitable |
appropriate for a particular person or to a purpose or situation; fitting. |
suitcase |
a usu. rectangular piece of luggage used for carrying clothing and personal effects; valise. |
suite |
several things that collectively form a set or series. [2 definitions] |
sulfur |
a chemical element that has sixteen protons in each nucleus, that occurs as a pale yellow crystal, or in compounds such as sulfuric acid and the sulfur amino acids, and that has various industrial uses. (symbol: S) [5 definitions] |
sulk |
to express resentment or bad humor by remaining sullenly silent or aloof. [3 definitions] |
sullen |
silently indicating resentment or bad temper. [3 definitions] |
sulphur |
variant of sulfur. |
sultan |
the ruler of an Islamic country. [2 definitions] |
sum |
the total number or quantity that results from adding two or more numbers or quantities. [6 definitions] |
sumac |
any of several small trees or shrubs bearing compound feathery leaves and clusters of red or whitish berries. (See poison sumac.) [2 definitions] |
summer |
the warmest season of the year, falling between spring and autumn. In the northern hemisphere, summer lasts from the June solstice to the September equinox. [8 definitions] |
summery |
of, pertaining to, or suitable for summer. |
summit |
the part with the highest elevation, esp. of a mountain; peak. [5 definitions] |
summon |
to call or notify to appear for a particular purpose. [3 definitions] |
summons |
a request or demand to do something. [2 definitions] |
sum up |
to restate concisely; summarize. [2 definitions] |
Sun. |
abbreviation of "Sunday," the first day of the week, occurring between the Saturday of the previous week and Monday. [2 definitions] |
sun |
(often cap.) the central star of the solar system around which the earth and other planets revolve and from which heat and light issue. [8 definitions] |