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summery like or having to do with summer.
summit the highest part; peak. [3 definitions]
summon to call to appear for a particular purpose. [2 definitions]
summons a notice to appear before a court of law.
sum up to state or tell again in a short, clear way.
Sun. abbreviation of "Sunday."
sun the star in the middle of our solar system. The earth and other planets revolve around it and receive heat and light from it. [5 definitions]
sunbathe to bare the body to the sun's rays.
sunbeam a ray or shaft of light from the sun.
sunburn a sore redness of the skin caused by staying in the sun too long. [2 definitions]
sundae a serving of ice cream topped with syrup, fruit, chopped nuts, and whipped cream.
Sunday the first day of the week. Sunday comes between Saturday and Monday.
sundial a device that stands in a garden or on a lawn to show the time of day. A sundial has a flat, round disk with numbers and a pointer that casts a shadow. As the shadow moves across the numbers, the sundial shows what time it is.
sunflower a tall plant with large, yellow flowers. The seeds in the center of the flower can be eaten.
sung the past participle of "sing."
sunglasses a pair of eyeglasses with dark lenses to protect the eyes from bright sunlight.
sunk a past tense and past participle of "sink."
sunlight the light of the sun; sunshine.
sunny consisting of weather in which the sky is blue and few clouds block the sun; not cloudy. [3 definitions]
sunrise the moment each day at which the sun first can be seen above the eastern horizon. [2 definitions]
sunscreen an ingredient used in a lotion that is put on the skin to protect against sunburn.