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surge a strong forward motion; rush. [3 definitions]
surgeon a medical doctor who does surgery.
surgery the field of medicine that treats disease and injury by fixing or removing parts of the body. [2 definitions]
Suriname a country in northeastern South America on the Atlantic Ocean. It lies between Guyana and French Guiana. The capital of Suriname is Paramaribo.
surname the name that tells the particular family that one is a part of; family name; last name.
surpass to be greater or larger than; go beyond. [2 definitions]
surplus the amount that goes beyond what is needed or required; an extra amount. [2 definitions]
surprise to catch (someone or something) off guard; act upon without giving any warning. [6 definitions]
surprised shocked or amazed by something unexpected. [2 definitions]
surprising causing surprise or wonder; astonishing. [2 definitions]
surrender to turn over or yield to the power or control of another. [3 definitions]
surround to close off all sides of. [2 definitions]
surrounding (plural) the environment of anything. [2 definitions]
surroundings all the things around one; one's environment.
survey to have a general look at. [8 definitions]
survival the act or fact of continuing to be alive or survive.
survive to continue to live despite serious threat to one's life. [3 definitions]
survivor someone or something that survives.
sushi a kind of food from Japan that has rice as a main ingredient. The rice has a little vinegar and sugar mixed into it. On top of the rice, or wrapped around it, is seaweed, fish, seafood, egg, or some kind of vegetable. The fish used in sushi is either cooked or raw. Vegetables used in sushi are often pickled.
suspect to believe to be true. [3 definitions]
suspend to hang from a higher position. [4 definitions]