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Swahili an African language with some Arabic roots that is used in east Africa and parts of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. [2 definitions]
swallow1 to take or draw (a portion of food or other substance) into the digestive tract by passing it from the mouth into the esophagus with a voluntary muscular movement. [8 definitions]
swallow2 any of a number of small migratory birds that have long, pointed wings and often a forked tail, and that are known for their graceful flight. [2 definitions]
swam past tense of swim.
swamp a wet lowland area that is usu. covered with water; marsh; bog. [5 definitions]
swan any of various large aquatic birds that have very long necks, usu. white plumage, and webbed feet. [2 definitions]
swap to exchange or trade. [3 definitions]
swarm1 a large number of insects moving together in a group. [7 definitions]
sway to swing back and forth or from side to side; rock. [11 definitions]
Swaziland a country in southeastern Africa between South Africa and Mozambique, now officially Eswatini.
swear to vow, declare, or affirm in the name of a deity or in the presence of a sacred object. [9 definitions]
swear off (informal) to resolve to give up (some thing or behavior); renounce.
sweat to excrete salty fluid from the skin pores for cooling of the body; perspire. [18 definitions]
sweater a knitted shirt, pullover, or jacket. [2 definitions]
sweatshirt a usu. long-sleeved cotton jersey pullover, often worn during exercise to induce sweating or absorb sweat.
Sweden a Scandinavian country between Norway and Finland.
Swedish of or pertaining to Sweden or its people, culture, language, or the like. [3 definitions]
sweep to clear (a surface) of dirt, dust, or debris by means of a broom or similar device. [16 definitions]
sweet having a flavor like that of sugar or honey; not bitter, salty, or sour in taste. [14 definitions]
sweeten to cause to be sweet or sweeter, esp. in taste. [5 definitions]
sweetheart one of a pair of people who are in love with each other. [4 definitions]