syntax |
the study of the way sentences are formed, and how the words go together. [2 definitions] |
synthetic |
made with chemicals formed in a laboratory instead of something found in nature; man-made; artificial. [2 definitions] |
syphon |
another spelling of siphon. |
Syria |
a Middle Eastern country on the Mediterranean Sea between Turkey and Jordan. The capital of Syria is Damascus. |
syrup |
a solution of sugar in water that contains medicine and flavoring. [2 definitions] |
system |
a group of related things or parts that work together as a whole. [5 definitions] |
system unit |
the main part of a computer, which houses its essential components. |
t |
the twentieth letter of the English alphabet. |
tab |
a small loop, strap, or flap, used for pulling, hanging, or opening. [2 definitions] |
table |
a piece of furniture with a flat top supported by one or more legs. [4 definitions] |
tablecloth |
a cloth laid over a dining table to protect its surface during a meal. |
tablespoon |
an amount equal to one half of a fluid ounce or three teaspoons. A tablespoon is used in cooking to measure ingredients. (abbreviation: tbs.) [2 definitions] |
tablet |
a tiny, pressed, hard mass of medicine; pill. [4 definitions] |
table tennis |
a game like outdoor tennis but played on top of a large table. In table tennis, small, wooden paddles and a small, hollow ball are used. |
taboo |
forbidden. [2 definitions] |
tack |
a short pin with a flat, wide head. [4 definitions] |
tackle |
equipment or gear used in a sport or hobby such as fishing. [5 definitions] |
taco |
a Mexican dish made of a folded tortilla with a filling such as meat or cheese. |
tact |
the ability to say or do the right thing when dealing with others in a difficult situation. |
tactic |
a technique or maneuver used for achieving a goal, especially in battle. |
tactics |
(used with a plural verb) methods used to bring something about. |