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table an article of furniture, usu. with a flat, horizontal top and supported by one or more vertical legs. [11 definitions]
tablecloth a cloth used to cover a dining table in order to protect its surface during a meal.
tablespoon in the US, a unit of capacity equal to one half fluid ounce, three teaspoons, or about fifteen milliliters, used in cooking. (abbr.: tbs.) [4 definitions]
tablet a small, molded, regular mass or lump, usu. of medicine. [4 definitions]
table tennis a game similar to outdoor tennis but played atop a large rectangular table and using wooden paddles and a small hollow plastic or celluloid ball.
taboo untouchable, unmentionable, or otherwise forbidden by social mandate. [3 definitions]
tack a short pin, usu. with a flat, broad head. [12 definitions]
tackle equipment or gear used in a sport or hobby such as fishing. [7 definitions]
taco a Mexican dish consisting of a folded tortilla with a filling, as of meat or cheese.
tact graceful sensitivity in dealing with others; diplomacy.
tactic a plan or method for achieving a goal; maneuver.
tactics (usu. used with a sing. verb) the science of maneuvering military forces against an enemy. [3 definitions]
tadpole the larva of a frog or toad at the stage when it lives in water and has gills and a tail.
taffy a chewy candy made of molasses or sugar that is boiled and then pulled until it holds its shape.
tag1 a piece of cardboard, thin metal, cloth, or other material that identifies, labels, or gives information about the thing to which it is attached. [9 definitions]
tag2 a children's game in which one player chases the others until he or she touches one of them, who then becomes the pursuer. [4 definitions]
tail an animal's rearmost part, usu. an appendage and extension of the spinal column, that projects from the rear of the trunk. [13 definitions]
taillight a usu. red warning light at the rear of a vehicle.
tailor one who makes, alters, or repairs clothing, esp. men's suits and coats. [4 definitions]
Taipei the capital of Taiwan.
Taiwan an island off the southeastern coast of China; Formosa. [2 definitions]