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tantrum a violent, noisy outburst of angry temper.
Tanzania an East African country on the Indian Ocean between Kenya and Mozambique. The capital of Tanzania is Dodoma.
Tanzanian of or having to do with the country of Tanzania or its people, culture, or the like. [2 definitions]
tap1 to strike lightly. [4 definitions]
tap2 a device to control the flow of liquid or gas from a pipe; faucet. [4 definitions]
tap dance a dance in which the dancer uses the foot, heel, or toe to tap out a rhythm. Tap dancers wear special shoes to sound the taps.
tape a long narrow strip of plastic, cloth, or paper that has glue on one side. Tape is used to stick things together. [4 definitions]
tape measure a tool for measuring length made of a long strip of cloth or flexible metal. A tape measure is marked off in inches, centimeters, or other units.
taper to narrow. [4 definitions]
tape recorder a machine used to record sound onto magnetic tape or to play back the sound recorded.
tapestry a piece of heavy cloth into which a design or picture has been woven with colored threads. Tapestries are used as wall decorations.
tapir a large mammal that has four short legs with hooves, a round body, and a long flexible snout. Tapirs look like pigs, but they are related to horses and rhinoceroses. They live in the rain forests of southeast Asia and Central and South America. Tapirs eat plants.
taps (used with a singular verb) the signal played on a trumpet or drum in the U.S. military forces. Taps are used as a signal for lights to be put out, or at the end of a funeral service.
tar1 a dark, heavy, sticky substance made from wood, coal, or peat. Tar is used to cover roads and protect roofs.
tar2 (informal) a sailor.
tar and feather to punish or humiliate by covering with tar and feathers.
tarantula a large, hairy spider found in the warmer parts of North, Central, and South America. Tarantulas are venomous, but their bite is not deadly to humans.
tardy late or delayed.
target an object or mark at which bullets, arrows, or darts are fired or aimed. [4 definitions]
tariff a government tax on goods that come into a country; duty.
tarnish to dull the luster or color of. [4 definitions]