tantrum |
a violent, noisy display of temper, esp. by a young child. |
Tanzania |
an East African country on the Indian Ocean between Kenya and Mozambique. |
Tanzanian |
of or pertaining to Tanzania or its people, culture, or the like. [2 definitions] |
tap1 |
to strike or cause to strike lightly, and often several times. [7 definitions] |
tap2 |
a device to control the flow of liquid or gas from a pipe or container, or a plug to prevent such a flow; spigot; faucet. [9 definitions] |
tap dance |
a dance in which the performer, wearing shoes with special hard soles, uses the foot, heel, or toe to tap out a rhythm. |
tape |
a long narrow strip of material, usu. of plastic, cloth, or paper, sometimes having adhesive on one side. [5 definitions] |
tape measure |
a long strip of cloth or flexible metal having units such as inches, feet, centimeters, or meters marked on it, used for measuring; measuring tape. |
taper |
to narrow, as toward a point. [7 definitions] |
tape recorder |
a machine used to record sound onto magnetic tape or to play back the sound recorded. |
tapestry |
a piece of heavy fabric on which a design or representation has been woven with colored threads, usu. by hand, used as a wall hanging or for other decorative purposes. [3 definitions] |
tapir |
any of several related four-footed, hoofed, piglike mammals that have a heavy body, short legs, and a long flexible fleshy snout. |
taps |
(used with a sing. verb) the signal played on a trumpet or drum in the U.S. military forces to order the lights to be extinguished, or at the end of a funeral or memorial service. |
tar1 |
a dark, oily, sticky, heavy substance obtained by the destructive distillation of wood, coal, or peat, and used in protective coatings and sealants, as on roads and roofs. [3 definitions] |
tar2 |
(informal) a sailor. |
tar and feather |
to punish or humiliate by coating with tar and feathers. [2 definitions] |
tarantula |
any of several related large American spiders, found mainly in tropical regions, that have hairy legs and a poisonous but not fatal bite. [2 definitions] |
tardy |
late or delayed. [2 definitions] |
target |
an object or mark at which missiles, such as bullets, arrows, or bombs, are fired or directed. [4 definitions] |
tariff |
a government tax on imports or exports, or a rate or schedule of such taxes; duty. [3 definitions] |
tarnish |
to dull the luster of or discolor (metal), as by exposure to air. [7 definitions] |