technical |
having to do with special skills or techniques. [3 definitions] |
technician |
a person whose work requires special skills. |
technique |
the particular method or way of doing or performing something. |
technological |
of or relating to technology. [2 definitions] |
technology |
a field of knowledge having to do with the practical applications of science and industry, or the inventions and methods of solving problems that are produced through research in these areas. [2 definitions] |
tectonic plate |
one of the plate-like segments of the Earth's crust and upper mantle. The plates form the outer shell of the planet, and they are actually moving very slowly. Where the plates come into contact with each other, their movement can cause or play a part in the eruption of volcanoes, the building of mountains, and the occurrence of earthquakes. |
tectonics |
the study of the crust of a planet and how it is constructed. |
teddy bear |
a children's toy made to look like a bear. Teddy bears are filled with soft stuffing and covered with furry fabric. |
teem |
to be full; swarm (usually followed by "with"). |
teen |
short form of "teenager," a person who is of age thirteen through nineteen. [2 definitions] |
teenager |
a person of age thirteen through nineteen. |
teens |
the numbers thirteen through nineteen. [2 definitions] |
teepee |
another spelling of tepee. |
teeth |
plural of "tooth." |
teethe |
to have teeth growing out through the gums. |
telecast |
to broadcast by television. [2 definitions] |
telecommuting |
the doing of work at home by using a computer and sending this work back to the office by electronic means. |
telegram |
a message sent in code by electronic means over wires. |
telegraph |
a system by which messages may be sent by electronic means. The telegraph puts messages in code and sends them along wires. [2 definitions] |
telephone |
a device used to send sound or some other signal over long distances by wire or radio waves. A telephone has a part for speaking into and a part for listening. [3 definitions] |
telescope |
an instrument that uses lenses and sometimes mirrors to make distant objects appear larger. |