technician |
a person whose work requires certain technical skills. [2 definitions] |
technique |
the specific method of doing or performing something. [2 definitions] |
technological |
of or relating to technology. [2 definitions] |
technology |
an area of knowledge or expertise concerning the practical applications of science and industry, or the collective methods and inventions that are produced through research in such areas. [2 definitions] |
tectonic plate |
any of the several segments of Earth's crust and upper mantle that move in relation to one another causing such phenomena as continental drift and volcanic eruptions. |
tectonics |
(used with a sing. verb) the study of structural geology. [2 definitions] |
teddy bear |
any of several children's toys made to look like a bear, filled with soft stuffing and covered with furlike plush. |
teem |
to have in abundance; swarm (usu. fol. by "with"). |
teen |
shortened form of "teenager," a person who is of an age between thirteen and nineteen. [2 definitions] |
teenager |
a person of age thirteen through nineteen. |
teens |
the numbers thirteen through nineteen, esp. as they refer to years in a person's life or in a century. [2 definitions] |
teepee |
variant of tepee. |
teeth |
pl. of tooth. |
teethe |
of a baby, to have teeth growing out through the gums. |
telecast |
to broadcast by television. [2 definitions] |
telecommuting |
the performing of office work at home by using a computer terminal and sending this work back to the employer by electronic means. |
telegram |
a communication sent by telegraph. |
telegraph |
an apparatus or system by which messages may be sent by a coded arrangement of simple electrical impulses, usu. along wires. [4 definitions] |
telephone |
a device used to transmit sound, esp. speech, over long distances, and, nowadays, typically equipped with computer technology as well. [5 definitions] |
telescope |
an optical instrument, usu. cylindrical, that employs lenses and sometimes mirrors to enlarge the images of distant objects, esp. those in outer space. [7 definitions] |
televise |
to broadcast or receive by television. |