teen |
short form of "teenager," a person who is of age thirteen through nineteen. [2 definitions] |
teenager |
a person of age thirteen through nineteen. |
teens |
the numbers thirteen through nineteen. [2 definitions] |
teepee |
another spelling of tepee. |
teeth |
plural of "tooth." |
teethe |
to have teeth growing out through the gums. |
telecast |
to broadcast by television. [2 definitions] |
telecommuting |
the doing of work at home by using a computer and sending this work back to the office by electronic means. |
telegram |
a message sent in code by electronic means over wires. |
telegraph |
a system by which messages may be sent by electronic means. The telegraph puts messages in code and sends them along wires. [2 definitions] |
telephone |
a device used to send sound or some other signal over long distances by wire or radio waves. A telephone has a part for speaking into and a part for listening. [3 definitions] |
telescope |
an instrument that uses lenses and sometimes mirrors to make distant objects appear larger. |
televise |
to broadcast or receive by television. |
television |
the process of sending pictures through the air as electrical waves over distances to be seen on a screen; TV. [2 definitions] |
tell |
to express in spoken or written words. [7 definitions] |
tell apart |
to see what is different between. |
teller |
someone or something that tells. [2 definitions] |
temper |
a usual state of mind of manner of feeling. [6 definitions] |
temperate |
having neither extremely hot nor extremely cold temperatures and mild weather. |
temperature |
the degree of heat or cold of an object or an environment. [3 definitions] |
tempest |
a very strong wind along with rain, snow, hail, or sleet. |