temper |
a habitual state of mind or manner of feeling. [11 definitions] |
temperate |
characterized by moderation or self-control; restrained. [4 definitions] |
temperature |
the degree of heat or cold of a body or an environment. [3 definitions] |
tempest |
a very strong and violent wind, esp. when accompanied by rain, sleet, hail, or snow. [2 definitions] |
template |
a pattern or mold used as a guide, especially a thin piece of metal, plastic, or wood used in cutting or shaping other pieces, as in woodworking. [4 definitions] |
temple1 |
a building or place where a deity or deities are worshiped. [4 definitions] |
temple2 |
the flat area on either side of the head between the forehead and ear. |
tempo |
the relative speed at which a musical passage or piece is to be performed, usu. indicated by descriptive terms such as "andante" or "vivace" or by metronomic markings. [2 definitions] |
temporary |
of brief or limited duration; impermanent. [2 definitions] |
tempt |
to entice or try to entice (someone) to do something unwise or wrong, as by promising pleasure or reward. [4 definitions] |
ten |
the number represented by the Arabic numeral 10 and by the Roman numeral X. [3 definitions] |
Ten Commandments |
according to the Old Testament, the ten laws handed down by God to Moses on Mount Sinai that constitute the fundamental code of moral responsibility for both Jews and Christians; Decalogue. |
tend1 |
to have an inclination or disposition to behave in a certain way or display a certain characteristic; be inclined. [2 definitions] |
tend2 |
to care for or maintain; look after (a person or thing). [2 definitions] |
tendency |
an inclination or natural disposition to move in a certain direction. [2 definitions] |
tender1 |
easily chewed or crushed; not tough; soft. [6 definitions] |
tendon |
a cord or band of tough white fibrous tissue that connects a muscle with a bone or other part; sinew. |
Tennessee |
a southeastern U.S. state between Kentucky and Alabama. (abbr.: TN) |
tennis |
a game in which two players or two pairs of players, using rackets, hit a ball back and forth over a low net on a rectangular court. |
tennis ball |
a small round ball covered with a felt-like material used in the game of tennis. |
tenor |
the meaning or general sense of something spoken or written; purport; drift. [7 definitions] |