terrapin |
an edible North American turtle that lives in fresh or somewhat salty water. |
terrarium |
a closed container, usu. of glass, in which small plants such as mosses are grown or small animals such as lizards are kept. (Cf. aquarium.) |
terrestrial |
of or relating to the earth or its inhabitants. [5 definitions] |
terrible |
creating terror, fear, or horror. [3 definitions] |
terrier |
a small energetic dog originally bred to drive animals from their holes or burrows. |
terrific |
extraordinary in degree; great. [3 definitions] |
terrify |
to fill with great fear or terror. |
territory |
an area or region of land. [5 definitions] |
terror |
overwhelming fear. [4 definitions] |
terrorism |
the use of violence, torture, or physical intimidation by a group or organization as a means of forcing others to satisfy its demands. |
terrorize |
to intimidate or coerce with threats or acts of violence. [2 definitions] |
test1 |
a means of trial or of measuring the quality or presence of something. [7 definitions] |
testament |
a statement expressing belief or conviction; credo. [3 definitions] |
testimony |
the evidence presented under oath in a court of law. [3 definitions] |
testing |
the act or practice of administering or undergoing a test or tests. |
test tube |
a thin hollow glass cylinder, closed at one end, that is used chiefly in biological and chemical laboratories, esp. in conducting experiments. |
tetanus |
an often fatal infectious disease involving rigidness and spasms of the muscles, esp. in the neck and lower jaw, and caused by a bacterium that usu. gains entry to the body through a wound. [2 definitions] |
tether |
a rope, chain, leash, or the like by which an animal, balloon, or other moving or movable object is fastened. [2 definitions] |
Texas |
a southwestern U.S. state between Mexico and Oklahoma. (abbr.: TX) [2 definitions] |
text |
the body of a printed work as distinguished from its title, headings, notes, and the like. [8 definitions] |
textbook |
a book used as the basis for instruction in or study of a specific subject. |