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thing an abstract or concrete entity. [10 definitions]
think to use the power of the mind. [13 definitions]
think of to use the mind to invent (a story, excuse, example, or the like); think up. [3 definitions]
think the world of to have a very high opinion of.
think up to use the mind to invent (a story, excuse, or the like).
third indicating rank or position between second and fourth. [4 definitions]
third baseman in baseball, the player whose position is at third base when the other team is batting and whose primary function is to defend that base.
Third World (often l.c.) the developing nations, as of Asia and Africa, esp. those not aligned with either of the two dominant political blocs.
thirst a feeling of dryness in the mouth or throat, associated with the need or desire to drink. [5 definitions]
thirsty experiencing thirst; needing to drink. [4 definitions]
thirteen the number represented by the Arabic numeral 13 and by the Roman numeral XIII. [3 definitions]
thirteenth indicating rank or position between twelfth and fourteenth. [3 definitions]
thirtieth indicating rank or position between twenty-ninth and thirty-first. [3 definitions]
thirty the number represented by the Arabic numeral 30 and by the Roman numeral XXX. [5 definitions]
this the person, thing, or matter mentioned, understood, or at hand. [7 definitions]
thistle any of various plants with prickly leaves and showy heads of usu. purplish flowers.
thong a narrow strip of leather or the like, used esp. as a fastening or as a whiplash. [2 definitions]
thorax in humans and in animals with four limbs, the part of the body between the neck and the abdomen, including the ribs and the cavity that contains the heart and lungs; chest. [2 definitions]
thorn a short, spiny protrusion on a plant stem or branch. [3 definitions]
thorough complete. [3 definitions]
thoroughbred bred from pure or unmixed stock, as a horse, dog, or other animal. [6 definitions]