thumb one's nose |
to treat with disrespect or defiance (usually followed by "at"). |
thumbs-down |
a sign or gesture that shows disapproval, dissatisfaction, or disagreement. |
thumbs-up |
an expression or gesture that shows that one approves, agrees, or is happy or satisfied with something. |
thumbtack |
a tack with a flat, round head that can be pressed into a wooden or cork board with a thumb. |
thump |
a heavy, dull sound of one thing hitting another. [5 definitions] |
thunder |
the loud cracking noise or low distant rumble that follows a flash of lightning. Thunder is caused by the violent movement of air masses. [5 definitions] |
thundercloud |
a large, dark storm cloud that makes lightning and thunder. Thunderclouds are charged with electricity. |
thunderstorm |
a storm with thunder, lightning, rain, and wind. |
Thurs. |
abbreviation of "Thursday." |
Thursday |
the fifth day of the week. Thursday comes between Wednesday and Friday. |
thus |
in this way; so. [3 definitions] |
thy |
an older word for "your." This word is used mostly in religion and in things written long ago. |
thyme |
a small plant that has fragrant leaves and is related to the mint plant. Thyme is an herb. [2 definitions] |
Ti |
symbol of the chemical element titanium. |
ti1 |
the syllable that indicates the seventh tone of a musical scale. |
ti2 |
any of several tropical plants resembling a palm, found in Asia and the Pacific, with long, narrow leaves growing in a tuft at the top. |
Tibet |
a region of southwestern China, north of the Himalayas. Tibet has its own government and has been a center of Buddhism for over 1,500 years. |
tick1 |
the repeated clicking sound of a watch or clock. [5 definitions] |
tick2 |
a small animal that is related to the spider. Ticks attach themselves to people and other animals and suck their blood. Ticks are known to spread disease. |
ticket |
a small, narrow slip of paper or thin cardboard that shows that one has paid for something. [4 definitions] |
tickle |
to touch or poke so as to cause a tingling feeling or laughter. [4 definitions] |