thumb one's nose |
to place the thumb to the nose, with the other fingers extended, as a sign of scorn or defiance. [2 definitions] |
thumbs-down |
a gesture or indication of disapproval or disagreement. |
thumbs-up |
an expression or gesture of approval, assurance, or agreement. |
thumbtack |
a large-headed tack that can be pressed into place with a thumb, as into wood or cork. [2 definitions] |
thump |
a heavy dull sound of impact, as made by a blunt instrument striking or a large object falling. [7 definitions] |
thunder |
the loud explosive noise or low distant rumble produced by the rapid expansion of gases along the path of a lightning discharge. [7 definitions] |
thundercloud |
a large dark storm cloud charged with electricity that produces lightning and thunder; cumulonimbus. [2 definitions] |
thunderstorm |
a brief electrical storm usu. accompanied by heavy rain and high winds. |
Thurs. |
abbreviation of "Thursday," the fifth day of the week, occurring between Wednesday and Friday. |
Thursday |
the fifth day of the week, occurring between Wednesday and Friday. |
thus |
in this way. [3 definitions] |
thy |
a possessive form of "thou" (used chiefly in earlier literature and religious writing); your. |
thyme |
any of several herbs, related to mint and native to southern Europe, that have small aromatic leaves. [2 definitions] |
Ti |
symbol of the chemical element titanium. |
ti1 |
in music, the syllable that denotes the seventh tone of a diatonic scale. (See sol-fa.) [2 definitions] |
ti2 |
any of several tropical plants resembling a palm, found in Asia and the Pacific, with long, narrow leaves growing in a tuft at the top. |
Tibet |
an autonomous region of southwestern China on a high plateau north of the Himalayas, noted as a center for Buddhism since the 7th century. |
tick1 |
a recurrent small sharp clicking sound, esp. that of a clock or timing mechanism. [7 definitions] |
tick2 |
any of numerous parasitic bloodsucking arachnids related to spiders and mites, that attach themselves to warm-blooded animals and are in some cases carriers of infectious diseases. |
ticket |
a small, usu. narrow slip of thin cardboard or paper, serving as evidence of prepayment of the fare, fee, or admission price of some event, service, or the like. [10 definitions] |
tickle |
to touch, stroke, or poke (someone or part of someone's body) so as to produce a tingling or itching sensation or spasmodic laughter or movement. [6 definitions] |