tinsel |
strips or sheets of foil or other shiny material used as a decoration. |
tint |
a shade of a color. [3 definitions] |
tiny |
very small, minute; miniature. |
tip1 |
the end, especially of something pointed, slender, or tapered. [2 definitions] |
tip2 |
to move to a leaning or slanted position; tilt. [6 definitions] |
tip3 |
a small gift of money given as a way of thanking someone for a service done. [4 definitions] |
tiptoe |
the end or tip of the toe. [2 definitions] |
tire1 |
to use up the strength and energy of; make tired. [4 definitions] |
tire2 |
a rubber covering that fits around the rim of a wheel. Tires are usually filled with air. |
tired |
needing sleep or rest. [2 definitions] |
tiring |
causing a loss of strength or energy. [2 definitions] |
'tis |
shortened form of "it is." |
tissue |
a group of cells in an animal or plant body that are like each other and do similar things. [3 definitions] |
tissue paper |
very thin, almost transparent paper used for wrapping. |
title |
a name of a book, film, play, piece of music, or other work of art. [5 definitions] |
TN |
abbreviation of "Tennessee." |
a powerful explosive. "TNT" is an abbreviation of "trinitrotoluene." |
to |
in the direction of; toward. [15 definitions] |
toad |
a small animal that looks like a frog and has dry, rough skin. Toads are amphibians, but live mostly on land rather than in or near water. |
to a degree |
somewhat. |
toadstool |
a mushroom shaped like an umbrella. Toadstools are often poisonous. |