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token something that serves to represent, signal, or symbolize a feeling, value, event, or the like. [8 definitions]
Tokyo the seaport capital of Japan; formerly, Edo.
told past tense and past participle of tell.
tolerance the ability or practice of accepting the race, religion, customs, opinions, or the like of other people; absence of negative prejudice; open-mindedness. [4 definitions]
tolerant willing to tolerate the beliefs, characteristics, or acts of others. [2 definitions]
tolerate to accept or permit although not truly desired or officially sanctioned; not attack or oppose. [2 definitions]
toll1 to cause (a large bell) to ring or chime, esp. with slow and measured strokes. [4 definitions]
toll2 a charge or tax, usu. for passage across a bridge or along a highway or other road. [3 definitions]
tomahawk a light ax, usu. with a stone head, formerly used by some North American Indians as a weapon or tool. [2 definitions]
tomato a usu. red, pulpy, juicy, slightly acidic edible fruit, typically eaten as a vegetable. [2 definitions]
tomb a hole dug in earth or rock for the burial of one or more dead persons; grave. [3 definitions]
tombstone a usu. engraved stone marker for a tomb or grave; gravestone.
tomorrow the day after today. [4 definitions]
tom-tom any of various small or narrow drums, such as those of American Indian or African tribes, usu. played with the hands. [2 definitions]
ton a unit of weight equal to two thousand pounds or 907.185 kilograms, used in the United States and Canada; short ton. [7 definitions]
tone a sound with reference to its pitch, strength, or duration. [10 definitions]
tone down to make less harsh, loud, or bright; soften.
Tonga an island country in the southwestern Pacific, east of Fiji.
tongs (usu. used with a pl. verb) any of various hand-held instruments consisting of two arms that are hinged or otherwise joined, and used to grasp small objects.
tongue the fleshy, movable organ in the bottom of the mouth, used for licking, tasting, swallowing, and human speech. [10 definitions]
tonic something that refreshes or restores one's strength or vigor. [6 definitions]