tomorrow |
the day after today. [3 definitions] |
tom-tom |
a small or narrow drum, usually played by beating with the hands. |
ton |
a unit of weight equal to 2000 pounds or 907.18 kilograms, used in the United States and Canada; short ton. [3 definitions] |
tone |
a single sound that is thought of as having pitch, strength, or length. [7 definitions] |
tone down |
to make less harsh, loud, or bright. |
Tonga |
an island country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. It lies to the east of the country of Fiji. The capital of Tonga is Nuku'alofa. |
tongs |
(usually used with a plural verb) a tool used to grasp small objects. Tongs have two arms that are held together by a hinge and are usually made of metal. |
tongue |
the movable organ in the bottom of the mouth, used for licking, tasting, swallowing, and human speech. [5 definitions] |
tonic |
something that brings back or refreshes strength or energy. [2 definitions] |
tonight |
this present or coming night. [2 definitions] |
tonsil |
either of two spongy parts which hang in the throat near the back of the tongue. |
tonsillitis |
an illness that causes the tonsils to become red and swollen. |
too |
as well; also; in addition. [4 definitions] |
took |
past tense of "take." |
tool |
an instrument that is usually held with the hands and helps one to do something. [3 definitions] |
toolbox |
a container for hand tools. A toolbox often has a handle for carrying and several compartments to make it easy to find small tools. |
toot |
to make the quick, short sound of a horn or whistle. [3 definitions] |
tooth |
one of the hard, white, bony objects that grow in rows in the jaws of people and animals. Teeth are used for biting and chewing. [3 definitions] |
toothache |
a pain in or close to a tooth. |
toothbrush |
a brush with a short, narrow head and a long handle used to clean the teeth. |
toothpaste |
a paste used to clean the teeth. |