tonsil |
either of two spongy parts which hang in the throat near the back of the tongue. |
tonsillitis |
an illness that causes the tonsils to become red and swollen. |
too |
as well; also; in addition. [4 definitions] |
took |
past tense of "take." |
tool |
an instrument that is usually held with the hands and helps one to do something. [3 definitions] |
toolbox |
a container for hand tools. A toolbox often has a handle for carrying and several compartments to make it easy to find small tools. |
toot |
to make the quick, short sound of a horn or whistle. [3 definitions] |
tooth |
one of the hard, white, bony objects that grow in rows in the jaws of people and animals. Teeth are used for biting and chewing. [3 definitions] |
toothache |
a pain in or close to a tooth. |
toothbrush |
a brush with a short, narrow head and a long handle used to clean the teeth. |
toothpaste |
a paste used to clean the teeth. |
toothpick |
a short, thin, pointed piece of wood that is used to remove tiny pieces of food from between the teeth. |
top1 |
the highest area, point, or surface. [11 definitions] |
top2 |
a toy shaped like a cone that spins on its point. |
topaz |
a clear, crystal stone that is yellow or brown and used in jewelry. |
topic |
a subject of discussion or conversation. |
topography |
the shape of the earth's surface across an area or region. The topography of an area includes the size and location of hills and dips in the land. |
topple |
to sway and fall down; tumble. [2 definitions] |
topsy-turvy |
upside down. [3 definitions] |
torah |
(sometimes capitalized) the whole body of recorded Jewish law and wisdom, in particular the Old Testament and the Talmud. [2 definitions] |
torch |
a stick or rod with a burning material on one end that is lit and carried for light. [3 definitions] |