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touchy easily irritated or offended; sensitive. [2 definitions]
tough hard to break; durable. [10 definitions]
tour to journey through. [6 definitions]
tourism the act of traveling from place to place, esp. for pleasure. [2 definitions]
tourist one who travels for pleasure or recreation.
tournament a contest of skill including a series of games in which losing contestants are eliminated. [2 definitions]
tow1 to pull along at the end of a rope, chain, or the like; haul. [4 definitions]
toward moving or facing in the direction of. [6 definitions]
towel a piece or length of absorbent cloth or paper made and used for wiping or drying the face or body, dishes, or the like. [2 definitions]
tower1 a tall narrow building, a similar part of a building, or a separate, often unwalled, structure that rises high above the ground. [3 definitions]
town a center of population that is larger than a village but generally smaller than a city. [4 definitions]
town hall a building that houses the administrative offices of a town and often the meeting room of the town governing body.
town house a two-story or three-story house that is attached to one or more similar units, usu. by common side walls. [2 definitions]
tow truck a truck equipped to tow disabled or illegally parked vehicles; wrecker.
toxic of, pertaining to, or resulting from a toxin or other poison. [2 definitions]
toy any object, device, or the like that can be used in play, esp. by children; plaything. [7 definitions]
toy shelf a single shelf or piece of furniture with shelves used primarily for keeping and displaying children's toys.
trace1 a visible mark or evidence of a past event or of something having been present. [11 definitions]
trachea the tube in air-breathing animals that carries air to the lungs; windpipe. [2 definitions]
track a structure consisting of a pair of parallel rails connected by crosspieces, on which trains or trolleys travel. [9 definitions]
track and field a set of athletic events, such as foot racing, high jumping, and javelin throwing, performed on or near a running track.