trainer |
a person who trains people or horses so they are strong and ready for competition. [2 definitions] |
training |
instruction and practice that prepares a person or animal to do a job, have a skill, or play a sport. |
train station |
a place where train tickets are sold and where passengers and goods are let on or off trains. |
trait |
a characteristic or quality that makes a person or animal different from others. |
traitor |
a person who is disloyal to his or her country, his or her friends, or another group. |
tram1 |
a small railroad or railroad car used for carrying loads in a mine or other small space. [3 definitions] |
tramp |
to walk with heavy steps. [6 definitions] |
trample |
to step on in a heavy or noisy way; to crush with the feet; stamp (usually followed by "on", "upon," or "over"). [4 definitions] |
trampoline |
a sheet of strong canvas attached to a frame by springs. Trampolines are used for jumping and tumbling. |
trance |
a condition in which one seems to be asleep and cannot fully control movements or the mind. A trance can be caused by hypnosis or illness. |
tranquil |
without noise or excitement; calm; steady; peaceful. |
trans- |
a prefix that means "across" or "over." [3 definitions] |
transaction |
the act of doing business. [2 definitions] |
transatlantic |
going or reaching across the Atlantic Ocean. [2 definitions] |
transcontinental |
going or reaching across a continent. |
transfer |
to move or carry from one person or place to another. [4 definitions] |
transform |
to change the form, look, or shape of. [2 definitions] |
transformation |
a major change in the form, shape, character, or nature of something or someone. |
transfusion |
the transfer of blood from an outside source into the bloodstream of a person or animal. |
transistor |
a small device used to control the flow of electric current. Transistors use very little energy. They are found in televisions, computers, and other kinds of electronic equipment. |
transit |
the act of passing over, across, or through; passage. [2 definitions] |