trapeze |
a rope swing with a bar hung high above the ground. A trapeze is often used by acrobats in a circus. |
trapezoid |
a flat, closed figure with four straight sides. Of these sides, only two are parallel. [2 definitions] |
trapper |
a person who traps wild animals and sells their furs. |
trash |
anything that is thrown away because it is not wanted or is considered worthless; garbage; rubbish. |
trauma |
a wound or injury to the body. [2 definitions] |
travel |
to journey from place to place. [5 definitions] |
traveler |
someone or something that travels. |
trawl |
a large net that is shaped like a cone and is dragged along the bottom of the ocean to catch fish. [2 definitions] |
trawler |
a boat that is equipped with a special net that is dragged along the bottom of the ocean to catch fish. |
tray |
a flat, open piece of wood, metal, or plastic used to carry, hold, or display food, drink, or small items. It often has a low rim. [2 definitions] |
treacherous |
betraying or likely to betray trust; false. [2 definitions] |
treachery |
a breaking of faith or loyalty; betrayal. |
tread |
to step or walk on, in, or along. [7 definitions] |
treadmill |
a belt or circle of moving steps that, when walked by a person or animal, causes a wheel to turn. Treadmills are used to run machines or to give people exercise. |
tread water |
to keep floating in an upright position with just the head above water by moving the legs and feet as though walking. |
treason |
the betrayal of one's country by going to war against it or giving information to its enemies. |
treasure |
money or valuable items that have been collected or stored up. [3 definitions] |
treasurer |
the officer of a club, business, or other organization who is responsible for taking care of the group's money. |
treasury |
the money of a club, business, government, or other group. [2 definitions] |
treat |
to behave toward in a particular way. [9 definitions] |
treatment |
the act of behaving in some way toward another. [2 definitions] |