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trek to travel or make one's way, usu. slowly and arduously. [2 definitions]
tremble to shake or quiver involuntarily, as from fear, exhaustion, or cold. [4 definitions]
tremendous extraordinarily large in degree or size. [3 definitions]
tremor an involuntary shaking or quivering; fit of trembling. [4 definitions]
trench a deep, narrow excavation or furrow; ditch. [8 definitions]
trend a general course, direction, or tendency. [4 definitions]
trespass in law, an act of entering upon or invading the property, rights, or person of another without permission and with the actual or implied use of force. [5 definitions]
trestle a stable support formed by a horizontal beam or bar joined to the tops of two vertical members that slope or widen outward and downward. [2 definitions]
tri- three; three times.
trial in law, an examination of evidence presented to a judicial tribunal, usu. in order to determine a person's guilt or innocence. [8 definitions]
triangle a geometric plane figure having three sides and three angles. [2 definitions]
triangular of, concerning, or shaped like a triangle. [3 definitions]
tribal (sometimes cap.) of, concerning, or characteristic of a tribe or tribes.
tribe a racial, political, or social group comprising numerous families, villages, or the like and having a common language, culture, and, often, ancestry. [2 definitions]
tributary a river or stream that flows into a larger river or stream, or into a lake. [3 definitions]
tribute something given, done, or said to express respect, admiration, or obligation. [3 definitions]
trick something done to deceive, cheat, or outwit someone. [13 definitions]
trickle to fall or flow in drops or in a thin, weak stream. [5 definitions]
trick or treat a tradition practiced by children at Halloween, consisting of calling on neighbors while dressed in a costume and saying the words "trick or treat!" in order to receive a treat such as candy. [2 definitions]
trick-or-treat to engage in the Halloween tradition of visiting neighbors while wearing a costume and requesting candy or other treats by saying the words "trick or treat!"
tricky given to or marked by deception or trickery; wily. [2 definitions]