troupe |
a group of dancers, actors, or other artists who perform together and usually travel to do their performances. |
trousers |
a garment for the lower parts of the body from waist to ankle that covers each leg; pants; slacks. |
trout |
a fish that usually lives in fresh water. Some sea trout live in the ocean but lay eggs in fresh water. Trout are related to salmon, have spots on their bodies, and are caught for food or sport. |
trowel |
any hand tool that has a flat blade. Trowels are used to work with plaster and cement. [2 definitions] |
truant |
a person who is absent from school without permission. [2 definitions] |
truce |
a stop or end of war that is agreed upon by all groups that participate; armistice. |
truck1 |
a large motor vehicle used for carrying heavy loads. [2 definitions] |
trucker |
a person who drives a truck for a living. |
trudge |
to walk in a heavy way with much effort or weariness. [2 definitions] |
true |
in agreement with fact. [5 definitions] |
truly |
in a truthful manner. [4 definitions] |
trumpet |
a brass wind instrument. Trumpets have three valves on a looped tube that ends in a bell shape. Trumpets produce bright, strong, piercing tones. Wind instruments made out of other materials that have a similar shape or sound to a trumpet can also be called a trumpet. [4 definitions] |
trunk |
the main stem of a tree. [6 definitions] |
trust |
a belief in the strength or truth of a person or thing. [8 definitions] |
truth |
agreement with the facts or what is real. [4 definitions] |
truthful |
likely to stay with the truth; habitually honest. [2 definitions] |
try |
to attempt through effort. [6 definitions] |
try on |
to put on clothing to see if it pleases or fits. |
try out |
to compete for a position, as for a job, play, or sport. [2 definitions] |
tsar |
another spelling of czar. |
T-shirt |
a soft collarless shirt with short sleeves that is sometimes worn under another shirt. [2 definitions] |