trunk |
the main stem of a tree. [6 definitions] |
trust |
a belief in the strength or truth of a person or thing. [8 definitions] |
truth |
agreement with the facts or what is real. [4 definitions] |
truthful |
likely to stay with the truth; habitually honest. [2 definitions] |
try |
to attempt through effort. [6 definitions] |
try on |
to put on clothing to see if it pleases or fits. |
try out |
to compete for a position, as for a job, play, or sport. [2 definitions] |
tsar |
another spelling of czar. |
T-shirt |
a soft collarless shirt with short sleeves that is sometimes worn under another shirt. [2 definitions] |
tsp. |
abbreviation of "teaspoon" or "teaspoons." |
tsunami |
a very large, often destructive, sea wave that is caused by an earthquake or explosion of a volcano under the ocean. |
tub |
a large, round container with a flat bottom used for washing, packing, or storing. [2 definitions] |
tuba |
a large, brass wind instrument with a wide bell that produces deep, full tones. |
tube |
a long, hollow piece of glass, metal, or rubber used to hold or carry liquids or gases. [3 definitions] |
tuber |
an underground stem that is short, thick, and round. New stems that grow above the ground can grow from buds on tubers. Potatoes are tubers. |
tuberculosis |
a serious disease that is passed from one person to another through the air. It usually affects the lungs; TB. |
tuck |
to gather up and push in or turn under the loose end or edge of so as to secure (often followed by "in" or "up"). [6 definitions] |
Tues. |
abbreviation of "Tuesday." |
Tuesday |
the third day of the week. Tuesday comes between Monday and Wednesday. |
tuft |
a group or clump of long strands that are attached at one end and loose at the other. Yarn, hair, and grass are some strands that can form tufts. |
tug |
to pull at in a strong way. [3 definitions] |