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turf the surface layer of the soil, held together in a thick mat by grass and other plant roots. [5 definitions]
Turkey a country in western Asia and southeastern Europe between the Mediterranean and Black Seas.
turkey a large, originally North American bird with brownish feathers and a wattled head, now domesticated in many parts of the world. [4 definitions]
Turkish of or pertaining to Turkey or its people, culture, language, or the like. [2 definitions]
Turkmenistan a Central Asian country bordered on the west by the Caspian Sea and on the south by Iran and Afghanistan; formerly a republic of the Soviet Union.
turmoil a state of great agitation, disturbance, or confused excitement; commotion; tumult.
turn to cause to move around a center point. [32 definitions]
turn down to decrease the power, volume, temperature, or brightness of (something), as by turning a dial. [4 definitions]
turnip an edible plant with a large, usu. whitish root, and hairy leaves that are sometimes used as greens. [2 definitions]
turn one's back on to neglect or abandon.
turn over to move so that the part that previously faced down is now facing up. [5 definitions]
turn over a new leaf to alter one's behavior for the better; make a new start.
turnpike a thruway or highway whose use requires the payment of a toll.
turn signal any of the lights on a motor vehicle that flash to indicate that the vehicle is about to turn and to show the direction in which it will turn. Turn signals are located on both the front and rear of the vehicle and are activated by the driver.
turnstile a device used to control movement from one area to another, usu. consisting of a vertical post with rotating arms that allow people to pass through one at a time, often only after paying a fee. [2 definitions]
turntable the round, flat, rotating plate that holds the record on a record player or phonograph. [3 definitions]
turn the tables on to reverse an existing situation in order to gain superiority over (the opposition).
turn up to increase the power, volume, temperature, or brightness of (something), as by turning a dial. [3 definitions]
turpentine a sticky mixture of oil and resin derived from certain pines and other related trees. [4 definitions]
turquoise an opaque blue or bluish green mineral containing copper and aluminum, often cut and polished for use as a gemstone. [3 definitions]
turret a small, usu. circular tower on a larger building such as a castle. [3 definitions]