turn one's back on |
to pay no attention to the needs of; abandon. |
turn over |
to move (something) so that the part that was facing down before is now facing up. [2 definitions] |
turn over a new leaf |
to change one's behavior for the better; make a new start. |
turnpike |
a highway on which drivers are charged a toll. |
turn signal |
any of the lights on a car or other vehicle that flash on and off to show that the vehicle is about to turn and to show which way it will turn. Turn signals are located on both the front and back of the vehicle. |
turnstile |
a device with rotating arms that allows people to pass through one at a time. Turnstiles control movement from one area to another. |
turntable |
the round plate that holds and rotates the record on a record player. [2 definitions] |
turn the tables on |
to reverse a situation in order to gain the advantage. |
turn up |
to increase the level of something, such as loudness, heat, or power. [2 definitions] |
turpentine |
a mixture of oil and resin from certain pines and other related trees. [2 definitions] |
turquoise |
a sky blue or blue-green mineral that is cut and polished for use in jewelry. [3 definitions] |
turret |
a small, circular tower on a larger building such as a castle. [2 definitions] |
turtle |
a reptile with a soft body covered by a hard shell that lives in water or on land. A turtle pulls its head, legs, and tail into its shell for protection. |
turtleneck |
a high, snug collar that folds down. Some sweaters have turtlenecks. [2 definitions] |
tusk |
a long, large, pointed tooth that sticks out from the mouth of some animals. Tusks grow in pairs and may be used to find food or fight. Elephants, walruses, and wild boars have tusks. |
tutor |
a person who gives private instruction to a student. [2 definitions] |
Tuvalu |
an island country in the central part of the Pacific Ocean. Tuvalu lies south of the equator and north of the country of Fiji. The capital of Tuvalu is Funafuti. |
tuxedo |
a complete suit of evening clothes for men that are worn on very formal occasions. A tuxedo consists, usually, of a black jacket, black trousers with a shiny, black side stripe, and a special white shirt. It is worn with a bow tie. Some tuxedo jackets have long "tails" at the back. |
TV |
abbreviation of "television." |
'twas |
shortened form of "it was." |
tweed |
a rough, wool cloth woven with at least two colors. Tweed is used to make coats and suits. |