undershirt |
a sleeveless shirt worn next to the skin, usually under other clothes. |
underside |
the under or lower side or surface; bottom. |
understand |
to get the meaning, nature, or importance of. [5 definitions] |
understanding |
the ability to understand; thinking; intelligence. [6 definitions] |
understood |
past tense and past participle of "understand." [2 definitions] |
undertake |
to decide or start to do. [2 definitions] |
undertaker |
a person whose job is to prepare dead bodies for burial and make arrangements for funerals. |
under the circumstances |
given the facts as they are. |
under the sun |
in existence; in the world; on earth. |
under the weather |
(informal) slightly ill or unhappy. |
undertow |
a strong current of ocean water moving in the opposite direction from the waves moving toward shore. |
underwater |
located, done, or made for use below the surface of a body of water. [2 definitions] |
underwear |
clothing worn next to the skin under other clothing. |
underweight |
lower in weight than is normal, desired, or necessary. |
underworld |
the criminal class of society. [2 definitions] |
undid |
the past tense of "undo." |
undo |
to release from or remove wrapping or fastening from. [3 definitions] |
undone1 |
the past participle of "undo." |
undress |
to remove the clothing or covering from. [2 definitions] |
undue |
too much; more than is right or appropriate. |
unearth |
to dig up out of the earth. [2 definitions] |