up |
to, toward, at, or in a higher place or position. [23 definitions] |
up- |
a prefix that means "up" or "upward." |
upbringing |
the training and rearing of a child or children. |
update |
new and more recent information about a particular thing, or a change in something that is made with the aim of improving it. [3 definitions] |
up for grabs |
(informal) able to be taken by anyone; not yet decided. |
upgrade |
an upward slope or incline. [2 definitions] |
upheaval |
an act, instance, or condition of being raised or heaved upward. [2 definitions] |
uphill |
on an upward slope or in an upward direction. [3 definitions] |
uphold |
to support or decide in favor of, when faced with a challenge. [2 definitions] |
upholstery |
materials used to cover furniture. [2 definitions] |
up in the air |
not decided, not settled, or not certain. |
upland |
the raised or higher parts of land in a region. [2 definitions] |
upload |
to send information from a smaller computer to a larger computer or computer network. [2 definitions] |
upon |
on. [3 definitions] |
up one's sleeve |
held secretly or in reserve. |
upper |
higher in place, rank, position, or level. [2 definitions] |
upper-case |
capital rather than lower-case. |
uppermost |
highest in place, rank, importance, or influence. [2 definitions] |
upright |
in a vertical or standing position. [6 definitions] |
uprising |
the act or an instance of rebelling or rising up against authority. |
uproar |
a loud, confused disturbance; commotion. [2 definitions] |