urine |
a substance made by the kidneys to carry waste out of the body. Urine comes out as a yellow liquid in mammals and as a partially solid substance in reptiles and birds. |
the address of documents on the World Wide Web. "URL" is an abbreviation of "uniform resource locator." |
urn |
a large vase with a base. [2 definitions] |
Ursa Major |
a constellation in the northern sky, also called the Big Dipper. |
Ursa Minor |
a constellation in the northern sky, also called the Little Dipper. |
Uruguay |
a country in southeastern South America. Montevideo is the capital of Uruguay. |
U.S. |
abbreviation of "United States." |
us |
the person speaking or writing together with another or others (a form of "we" used as the object of a verb or preposition.) |
U.S.A. |
abbreviation of "United States of America." |
usable |
able or fit for being used. |
usage |
way or manner of using or treating something. [2 definitions] |
the government agency responsible for regulations on the safety of food. "USDA" is an abbreviation of the United States Department of Agriculture. |
use |
to bring into service. [9 definitions] |
used |
having been owned by someone else; not new. [2 definitions] |
useful |
able to be used in a helpful, practical, or effective way. |
useless |
having no good or practical purpose. |
user |
one that uses. [2 definitions] |
user-friendly |
easy to use or easy to learn how to use. |
use up |
to use all of; finish. |
usher |
a person who shows people to their seats in a house of worship, theater, or stadium. [2 definitions] |
U.S.S.R. |
abbreviation of "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics," the official name of the former "Soviet Union." |