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U.S.A. abbreviation of "United States of America," a North American country extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific between Canada and Mexico and including Alaska and Hawaii, also known as "United States" (prec. by, "the").
usable capable of or fit for being used.
usage the way or amount of using or treating something, or the acts of using something viewed collectively. [3 definitions]
USDA abbreviation of "United States Department of Agriculture."
use to bring into service; employ, esp. habitually. [12 definitions]
used previously owned; secondhand. [2 definitions]
useful able to be used, esp. in a helpful, practical, or effective way.
useless serving no beneficial or practical purpose. [2 definitions]
user one that uses. [3 definitions]
user-friendly easy to use, as a computer or computer application.
use up to completely consume or exhaust; finish.
usher one who escorts people to their seats in a church, theater, stadium, or the like. [6 definitions]
U.S.S.R. abbreviation of "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics," formerly, a country, comprising fifteen constituent republics, in eastern Europe and northern Asia; Soviet Union.
usual encountered, experienced, used, or happening in most instances; customary. [3 definitions]
usually ordinarily or most often; generally; typically.
UT abbreviation of "Utah," a western U.S. state between Nevada and Colorado.
Utah a western U.S. state between Nevada and Colorado. (abbr.: UT)
utensil a device, instrument, or container, esp. one used in a kitchen.
uterus the muscular organ of a female mammal in which the fertilized ovum is held and develops before birth; womb. [2 definitions]
utility the quality or condition of being useful; usefulness. [5 definitions]
utmost of the highest or greatest degree, amount, intensity, or the like; greatest. [3 definitions]