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Venice a seaport in northeastern Italy, that is built on many small islands, formerly the seat of a powerful maritime city-state.
venom the poisonous fluid that certain snakes, insects, scorpions, and other animals produce and transmit to their prey by biting or stinging. [2 definitions]
venomous producing venom; able to inflict a poisonous bite or sting. [2 definitions]
vent an opening which allows entrance, passage, or exit of a gas or vapor, esp. of air or smoke. [5 definitions]
ventilation the process of ventilating or state of being ventilated. [2 definitions]
ventricle one of the lower chambers of the heart, which receive blood from the atria. [2 definitions]
ventriloquism the skill or practice of speaking so that the voice appears to arise from a source other than the speaker; ventriloquy.
venture an undertaking or enterprise that involves risk or is of uncertain outcome. [6 definitions]
Venus in Roman mythology, the goddess of love and beauty; Aphrodite. [2 definitions]
veranda a large porch attached to a house, usu. roofed, often partially enclosed, and used esp. for social activities.
verb in grammar, a word that communicates a state of being or an action and that usu. has inflected forms to indicate tense, voice, mood, or agreement with a subject or object.
verbal of or relating to words. [5 definitions]
verdict the finding of a judge or jury in a law case. [2 definitions]
verge the point or limit beyond which something something is likely, inevitable, or attainable; brink. [6 definitions]
verify to confirm the truth or accuracy of; substantiate; confirm.
vermilion a bright red to reddish orange color. [2 definitions]
vermin any of numerous insects or small animals, such as cockroaches or mice, that are destructive, harmful, or otherwise objectionable or difficult to control. [3 definitions]
Vermont a U.S. state in New England between New Hampshire and New York. (abbr.: VT)
versatile having numerous skills or abilities, usu. being able to turn easily from one type of thing engaged in to another. [2 definitions]
verse1 poetry, or a poem, esp. in metrical form. [4 definitions]
version a description or report in a particular style or from one point of view. [3 definitions]