vet1 |
(informal) a short form for "veterinarian," a doctor for animals. |
vet2 |
(informal) a short form for "veteran," a person who has served in the armed forces during a war. |
veteran |
a person who has served in the armed forces during a war. [3 definitions] |
Veterans Day |
a holiday in the United States that honors veterans of the armed forces. It is held on November 11 and used to be called "Armistice Day." |
veterinarian |
a doctor for animals. |
veto |
the power of a government official or group to keep something from taking effect. [2 definitions] |
a national organization made up of Americans who served in the U.S. armed forces during wars fought outside of the United States. "VFW" is an abbreviation of "Veterans of Foreign Wars." |
vibrate |
to move back and forth very rapidly and steadily. [2 definitions] |
vibration |
the action of vibrating. |
vice1 |
wicked, evil, or criminal behavior. [2 definitions] |
vice- |
acting in place of; deputy. |
vice president |
an officer who ranks directly below a president. The vice president works as president when the president cannot perform his duties. [2 definitions] |
vicinity |
an area near or around a place; somewhere nearby. |
vicious |
wicked; evil. [2 definitions] |
victim |
someone who is hurt, injured, or killed by a person, group, or event. [2 definitions] |
victor |
the winner of a contest, battle, argument, or struggle. |
victorious |
having won a victory. |
victory |
success in a fight against an enemy, opponent, or something difficult. |
video |
the picture part of television. [3 definitions] |
videocassette |
a cassette that holds a videotape. Videocassettes are used to record and play back pictures and sound. |
videocassette recorder |
a device that records on and plays videocassettes; VCR. |