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wail to make a long, loud cry out of sadness or pain. [3 definitions]
waist the part of the human body between the chest and hips. [2 definitions]
wait to stay in one place until an expected event happens (often followed by "for" or "until"). [5 definitions]
waiter a man who serves or waits on customers in a bar, restaurant, or cafe.
waiting room a room provided in a doctor's office, train station, or the like, in which persons may wait.
wait on to attend to the needs of; act as a servant to. [2 definitions]
waitress a woman who serves or waits on customers in a bar, restaurant, or cafe.
wait upon to attend to the needs of; act as a servant to. [2 definitions]
wake1 to come out of sleep (often followed by "up"). [3 definitions]
wake2 the track of waves left by something that is moving through water. [2 definitions]
waken to cause to stop sleeping; awake. [3 definitions]
wake up to stop sleeping. [2 definitions]
Wales a country in Europe on the southwestern part of the island of Great Britain. Cardiff is the capital of Wales.
walk to move at a steady pace by steps. [8 definitions]
walk a tightrope to keep a difficult balance or middle position between opposed people or choices.
walk away with to win or get easily.
walker a person who walks. [2 definitions]
walking the act or movement of someone or something that walks. [4 definitions]
walk off with to win or get easily. [2 definitions]
walk of life job or social position.
wall a structure that forms the side of a building or divides or shuts off a space. [4 definitions]